How to Create a Pinterest Vision Board for Life and Business
Creating a vision board for your life and business will help you identify and manifest your goals. I know this to be true because I’ve used this technique to great effect in my own life over the past 5+ years.
Learn how to create your own vision board today!
What is a Vision Board and Why is it Important?
A vision board is a visual representation of what you want to have in your life. This can be in your personal and/or business life.
The purpose of creating one, is so that you can rewire your brain to believe that what you put on there is possible - neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is where the neural networks in the brain change through growth and reorganization. We want to do this by visualisation.
When it comes to using this technique for the business part of your vision board, Forbes speaks perfectly on this…
“Eighty-two percent of small business owners that used a vision board from the get-go reported that they have accomplished more than half the goals they included on that board.”
If you want something to happen in your life, I strongly believe that vision boards are the way forward. I’m a very visual person and I know that by seeing my board everyday and feeling what it would be like when the things are there are a reality in my life - that it will happen. I make more of an effort to make it so, to do the steps that will lead me towards that vision.
What Should Be Included on a Life Vision Board?
Personally I like to amalgamate my board into an overall vision for my life but I think it’s good to start off focussing on these two different areas - personal and professional.
Firstly you want to identify your values and what it is you’d like to focus on and what’s important to you. This will be different for everyone but for now I’d like to give you some ideas to get you started…
Health & Wellness
What sort of eating plan would you like to have? I had fresh juices and avocado on toast on my board (I want to learn how to make my own bread)
Maybe you want to take up pilates or run a ½ marathon. That last one was on my vision board. I’ve never really exercised my whole life. Last year I started the Couch to 5k running app and within a year I ran my first half marathon - I had a picture of me running on my vision board with “I am super fit & have ran a ½ marathon”Do you want to meditate more?
Do you want to meet someone?
Put photos of couples holding hands (pref where you can’t see faces as we often then associate with that person, we want to keep it vague in that sense)Do you want to make your relationships better?
Whether that’s romantically or your friendships - you could add photos of a date night or friends having coffee etcChildren
Do you want them or do you have them and want to be more present? Find images that represent that to you
What does your dream home look like?
What does the inside look like?
Is your dream home by the ocean? Surrounded by countryside views?
Do you have a second home in the South of France?
Not so much home related - but maybe you want a pet, a dog or a cat - stick your ideal breed on there. I have a border collie on mine :)
How do you want to dress and where if money wasn’t a factor?
I have a woman in cashmere from The White Company. I want to be the head to toe cashmere lady when I’m lounging around at home. I have some pieces but I’d love more!
Go on, pin your wildest dream holidays!
What Should Be Included on a Business Vision Board?
Ahhh I LOVE doing the business part of my vision board and you should too! This is where you can fully let your wildest dreams come true, because with the belief that they can and the action you take towards making it so - they will happen!!!
I’ll be starting my list off with moneyyyyy. This subject can be quite taboo for some and make them shrivel inwards but I want you to be bold and state what you want. I believe it’s important to have a money goal to work towards or at least acknowledge it in some way on your board.
How much money do you want your business to bring in per year?
How much money do you want in your savings/always in your bank account?
A potential new revenue stream for your business
This may be an online course you want to create
A new product you’ve been dreaming of putting to market
Eg. I have my New Website Template shop imagery on my board because I want to launch it this year and I have the amount of money I’d like to make from it each year
Your ideal clients
I think having images of your dream clients on there, it could be a leader in your particular clients industry, it may be clients you’ve worked with already and you’re like - more of these please!
Business Besties / creating a network of like minded friends
Growing your email list
Flying first class on business trips
Heck even saying you want to travel more in your business
3# Steps for Creating a Pinterest Vision Board
Step One… Brainstorm your list
This is super easy, get a piece of paper and jot down all the things you’d like to have in your life. Use the lists I created above as your starting point.
Step Two… Search for and Pin your Images
When you’re searching for images that match what you have on your list, I want those images to make you FEEL something. This is the MOST important part. When your board is completed, I want you to be able to look at those images of what you want in your life and really feel them, feel like they’re already yours. To do that, the image really needs to resonate with you.
I spent over an hour looking for the perfect South of France villa I’d want as my second home. I wasn’t doing it as if it was make believe. I looked at images on PInterst, google and unsplash as if I was buying that home right now. That’s how I want you to do it!
So search for your images wherever you like, Pinterest, magazines, google and be specific. We don’t want you to have lots and lots of the sameish images. Just pick one or two per area.
Step Three… Create your board and FEEL IT!
I’m going to walk you through the two types of boards you can create - physical and digital…
1. Physical Vision Board
I personally really like to have a physical board so that it’s on my wall and I can see it everyday whilst I’m working.
I collate all of my favourite images in my Pinterst board or in a folder on my computer and I print them all off at various sizes. I make the things that I’m most wanting to manifest into my life, bigger. Ie; my Cotswolds dream home is the biggest image on my board.
I then pin everything onto my cork board (you can stick them onto a big foam board or a big piece of paper) and then I look at it every single day as if those things were already mine. And I really FEEL like they are, i believe it with every fibre of my being.
2. Digital Vision Board
Gather all of your favourite images into a Pinterst board (I recommend making this a secret board but totally up to you) and then I would screen shot it. Have your screenshot as your desktop background.
This may look a little messy - I’m a virgo so I would need to make it look beautiful, so take your images and create a digital mood board in Canva and then set it as your desktop background and create a mobile phone screensaver too.
I wanted to leave you with 3 things that I’ve had on my vision board in the last 12 months and the real life manifestation of those visions…
#1 Vision Board Image and Reality
My dream view. I’m obsessed with sunsets and I wanted a view from my office window that gave me a sunset view and a vast countryside vista..
My Vision Board Image
My Reality - the view from my office
#2 Vision Board Image and Reality
Getting fit and running a half marathon. This is after having never run in my life or been to the gym more than a handful of times. I legit would have been like, bullsh** you’ll do that Liz! I created a graphic in Canva with the words “I have run a 1/2 marathon” and stuck it on my board. It’s really important to word everything as if it’s already happened, so when you’re visualising it - it’s a reality for you.
Vision Board Graphic
Woah, it’s only after putting these two images side by side that I’ve noticed my arm is doing exactly the same movement mirrored, wild!!
#3 Vision Board Image and Reality
My dream client. I spent a long time looking for an image of a woman giving a TedTalk that felt just right. I knew I wanted to work with more well known, industry experts and I wanted a client who had given a TedTalk.
This one still gives me goosebumps. A few months before writing this post, a potential client emailed me asking if I’d help her rebrand her business. The first thing I always do is to check out their current website. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw the picture on her about page - it was her giving her TedTalk which had over 2.5 million views AND she’s in practically the same dress and the photos are so alike, it’s spooky. This shit works!!!
My vision board TedTalk image - The Vision!
The photo of my client at her TedTalk - The Reality!
In summary, if you haven’t already done a vision board, what’s stopping you??? Go at it!!!
I believe in vision boards so much that I’ve created a workshop on how to do a vision board for your brand.
So if you’re a small business owner wanting to rebrand your business or someone that has ‘take a leap of faith’ style image on your vision board to start your secret dream business, then go and watch the workshop. It’s super fun :)